Saturday, June 23, 2007

Two For The Show ~~ Our New Adventure!

Okay, so Laura Hamby and I are at it again. Heh.

You see, we've been writing and critique partners for several years. We have a permanent IM window open -- always. We've written entire books while trading jokes, blurbs and solving plot issues while on IM.

It works for us.

So, since our previous partnership attempts have been quite successful, we decided to go for the next step.

Our assault on the Big Girl publishing world, namely, the Harlequin/Silhouette publishing group.

Its just more fun with someone to share the fun. Oh, and the headaches, the agonizing waits, and all the assorted highs and lows that are part and parcel of this crazy writing bag. All the fun and joys. Heh. And it is fun -- it HAS to be fun, or why do it?

We also hope to someday share book space on a retail shelf. Hear that Barnes & Noble? Borders? We're coming to get ya!

The Big Adventure begins! Two For The Show - Play'n in Write Field

Stop by and say Hi!