Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Me and Miss Hermione Granger....

Beating down the Wednesday middle of the week blues....

Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!

Hmmm.... I do believe I resemble these remarks.

Dare ya. Go 'head. You know you want to...

Happy Hump Day!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Back to the drawing board....

Yep. You'll note that the Redo word meter is now zeroed out.

*grabs throat in dramatic stage fashion* I scrapped the entire wip with the exception of the H/h and the location and only one or two pertinent conflict issues.

Why would I do that??

It just wasn't working. Not at all.

I think the reason why had to do with the initial concept. It wasn't mine. Well, the wip was in absolute, but the starting kernel for the wip was inspired by a writing prompt.

The problem, as I see it, happened to be that the writing prompt took more of a high road to comedy, rather my usual writing comfort zone. That meant that my characters seemed to be acting out of line. Couldn't get a handle on the H's motivation because he would have NEVER allowed himself to be in such an absurd situation to begin with.

Sometimes, I think our characters can see the big picture better than we writers. Sometimes, I also I feel that the H/h only invite me along for the ride to take dictation.

Kind of them, eh?

Ah, well. At least they let me have that. And chocolate. Massive quantities of chocolate.

They love me! They really, really love me!

*whispers* I think they might also be a teensy bit sadistic, but let's keep that on the down-low and not encourage that sorta behavior.

Monday, July 23, 2007

A fine need for chocolate....

I mean, when isn't there a fine need for chocolate? But for several reasons, I feeling that need more keenly.

I'm stumped on my wip. Stumped I tell ya. I had to write a mini synopsis to see where I am with the conflict and growth arc in the story. Hmmmmm.... still not clear to me.

I sent the syn to my CP and writing friend, Laura Hamby. She's going to rip and tear it up for me and hopefully, tell me if I've gone wrong and where I need to fix things.

Isn't it odd that we can read each other's work and almost immediately spot the problem, but can't have that same eye for our own? Just doesn't seem to work that way. Sadly.

The other reason I have a fine need for chocolate is that I'm on a new eating plan. Under a doctor's care. I've search all the notes, requirements, recommendations, etc. provided on his eating plan and nowhere in all of that do I see chocolate mentioned. Nowhere.

How can that be? This man is a highly respected physician and there isn't any medicinal chocolate in the plan?

I hesitate to cast aspersions on his character or abilities but it might be possible that a certain web-footed creature's signature vocalization might describe this man more completely

No chocolate, indeed.


There. I've said it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is it right brained? Or write brained?

I'm too confoozled to know anymore. I'm at that turning point in the wip where I need to throw a really big "bear" into my characters proverbial "canoe". I need to introduce a new turning point.

I just don't happen to know what this would be right now. Sure wish my brain hadn't decided to take a walk at just this point.

Never fails though. This wip has just been trotting along, the characters have marched to the correct tune and everything has been rosy. I knew the time was looming.

Desperate times call for desperate measures....

So, what shall it be? What shall I distract my brain with until the Muse gets her scattered brain back into the game? Games and games of Bedazzled 2? Chatting and IMing endlessly with my writing pals? Wait. I do that anyway. *shrug*

I know. I'll google attractive men. I don't know that it will help, but it certainly won't hurt.

Unless I bump my nose while licking the computer screen. Would that qualify as workman's comp?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Breaking all the rules... of course

I've been tagged by Laura Hamby.

Here are the rules: Each blogger should list 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to then report this on their own blog with their 7 random facts as well as these rules. They then need to tag 7 others and list their names on their blog. They are also asked to leave a comment for each of the tagged, letting them know they have been tagged and to read the blog.

So, here goes... (And here is where it gets sticky). I'm a rule-breaker. Can't seems to go with the flow. The tag stops here. Yep, I'm breaking the cycle. Those of you who would naturally be on my tagging radar, stop quivering and breathe. You may also send my Thank You chocolates to my home address. Heh.

1. I love socks. I wear them as house slippers year round.

2. My favorite flower is tulips.

3. I have a lap quilt that I'm making that is called Two Lips. The pattern looks like a pair of lips with a hint of tongue showing. Quirky. Heh.

4. I think pajamas should be official daytime wardrobe.

5. I hate flavored coffee, but love flavored coffee creamer.

6. I love to read long, regency historicals, but I love to write contemporary romance the best.

7. My best friend lives in Maryland.

That about sizes me up, personally.

We had a great time in the Texas Hill Country. Luckenbach was great as usual. The two roosters and single hen were quite entertaining. I think the hen had a hook-up going in the outdoor ladies room. Some funny to watch unsuspecting ladies prance into the facilities only to dart out shrieking seconds later with irate barnyard livestock hot on their heels.

Good time, good times.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Goin' to Luckenbach Texas to see Willie, Waylon and the boys...

It might not look like much, but some of the best and finest music and musicians in the country find the way to this little post office, off the beaten track. Some of the coldest beer and friendliest people can be found here. It's a popular ride destination to travel to by motorcycle (which we have many times)or by family vehicle (which we will this time). Taking our teen daughter to see the sight. You never know who might pop in for some cold beer and to pick a few tunes.

Let's go to Luckenbach Texas with Waylon and Willie and the boys Hey! Is that George Strait??? Heh. Gotta love it..

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Quiz time again....

As a writer, I often find myself searching for more vibrant and less used verbiage to create more interesting reading.

Since I'm procrastinating... mmmm... I mean mulling over my next scene... I thought I'd take a quiz to see how I'd score on a vocabulary quiz.

Not bad. Heh. Now to search my current wip to see if my writing bears that out.

Huh. Maybe I'd better find a quiz dealing with grammar.

Your Vocabulary Score: A

Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!
You must be quite an erudite person.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday. Again....

So here we are at the start of a new week. Time to gather up the brain cells and get life's little chores out of the way to get to the good stuff.

I know that I should get moving. And I will. Aaaany minute. Yep, I'm going to start making those phone calls, paying those bills, starting the laundry.....

Who am I kidding? I just Don Wanna today.

Instead, I'll mentally sort through those MUST DO's and manage to hit the high spots and I'll recoup and recharge my batteries and get a better start on the week tomorrow.

Or not. Heh.

How do YOU get moving when you just Don Wanna?

Oh, and in a little bit of a horn toot, please notice that the word count meter on Redo has increased. I'm officially 25% through the first draft. Go me!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Time to make the writing meter move....

Holidays. Eh. And holidays that fall in the middle of the week -- writing crushers. So, I'm slacking on the writing just a bit. I started to regain ground a tad last night.

The weather we're having in Texass this spring/summer is another writing crusher. Can you say CONSTANT rain storms? Which arrive with constant companions, Thunder and Lightning??

I'm going to wear out my computer buttons just turning the whole thing off and on, trying to dodge the storms.

My nerves are shattered. Irrepairable damaged, even....

Thank the LAWD for medicinal chocolate. Mmmmm.... feeling a bit more calm and settled as we speak. Think I'll google some online photos for my next Hero...

I might even share.

Errr.. the photos, not the chocolate. Mine.

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Plot Thickens?

So on mine and Laura Hamby's blog, Two For The Show , its has clearly been established that I'm the Plotter and she, the Pantster. For the most part. We do switch every now and again because of the nature of writing.

But even in taking this quiz, I tend to actually be a Plotter in real life as well. I do plot, compare, examine and analyze most things to death. Even in spontaneity, I am prepared.

Oh, a spur of the moment trip to another city? Not a problem. I'll just jump online or grab the GPS and plot a few coordinates, check for hotels and see what cuisine is in the area.

I'm hopeless, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I see it as being willing to jump right in.... because I had the foresight to remember to bring the paddles. Heh.

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying

Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.
You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.

You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.
You tend to ground those around you and add stability.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Two For The Show ~~ Our New Adventure!

Okay, so Laura Hamby and I are at it again. Heh.

You see, we've been writing and critique partners for several years. We have a permanent IM window open -- always. We've written entire books while trading jokes, blurbs and solving plot issues while on IM.

It works for us.

So, since our previous partnership attempts have been quite successful, we decided to go for the next step.

Our assault on the Big Girl publishing world, namely, the Harlequin/Silhouette publishing group.

Its just more fun with someone to share the fun. Oh, and the headaches, the agonizing waits, and all the assorted highs and lows that are part and parcel of this crazy writing bag. All the fun and joys. Heh. And it is fun -- it HAS to be fun, or why do it?

We also hope to someday share book space on a retail shelf. Hear that Barnes & Noble? Borders? We're coming to get ya!

The Big Adventure begins! Two For The Show - Play'n in Write Field

Stop by and say Hi!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Ain't it the truth?

My life, over the course of a year, has been up, down, tragic and everything in between.

We are coming down on the other side and life is really looking up. Through all the tears, frustration, and insanity have been laughter (albeit a bit 'hysterical' at times) and the good company of family and friends.

I took this blog quiz for laughs. Heh.

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy

In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.
You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.

Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho

G'wan.. take the quiz... you *know* you want to. They are addictive.

Friday, February 2, 2007

And the winner's are.............

Angie the Hippo in the random draw for Laura's special chocolate and Meg Allison for my "special prize" in the Guess how many sites Miss Overachiever, Laura Hamby owns. Heh.

And no, Meg, the special prize ISN'T a picture of me.......

Sadly, for you. *snicker*

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Counteracting the EEEVIL.......

Or fixing my CP, Laura Hamby, but good.

See, I twitted her a skoosh this morning about being an overachiever and she launches this campaign against me and tries to lure me into her overachieving net.

I know she's directed you over here with her evil plan. I know it, but you know you're only enabling her.

So, her plan is for you to heckle me into writing more, so YOU can win some chocolate... and chocolate is always good.

I'll take that heckle and RAISE her one...

You go back guess how many web sites and blogs Miss Overachiever has and I'll toss in a special prize to the first one that guesses correctly.

You know, of course, this means war?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Rubbing shoulders with a celebrity....

Yep. It's official. My critique partner and bestest pal, Laura Hamby was interviewed this morning by Katy McLaughlin with the Wall Street Journal.

I've spent the morning thisclose to fame.

Do I look any different to you?

Ah, maybe it's because today is my birthday. Could be just another wrinkle in my life chain that is causing such change in my appearance.


Friday, January 19, 2007

Hello? Is this thing on?

I find myself tap, tap, tapping on the progress meter for Charli. I wrote yesterday. Wait. This is a huge event in my life these days -- I should celebrate.

*~*~ I WROTE YESTERDAY!!! ~*~*

Two pages. Yep, a whole two pages.

I added my new word count to the meter, waiting with expectant breath for the meter to register my astonishing progress...

Not so much.

Howsomever, not a total disappointment. I did discover that my heretofore silent Muse will stir herself for Dove dark chocolate.

Sometimes, it really is the little things.

Now to make that meter move some more.

*tap*tap*tap* Is this thing on?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thawing out the Muse....

Did I mention that its cold here in Texas? Once every decade, we get unseasonably cold weather.

So, we hunker down around our gas log fireplaces (usually more for ambience than practical heating. Heh), and kvetch about the weather and gaze longingly from our windows looking for the first signs of Spring. Which, around these parts *can* happen as early as mid-February. Double heh.

Anyway, the one single perk to all this cold weather is an extended chance to thaw out the Muse, rustle up some cinnamon flavored coffee, put on the ipod tune box and write.

I'd like to see the progress meters over there start moving.. wouldn't you?

Monday, January 15, 2007


Ok. Crisis time in the Lone Star State of Texas.

You see, the problem is that we (my family) live in Texas because we don't want to live with ice and snow. Looks great on postcards, in Christmas movies, and for Spring Break snow skiing when the day time temps hover around 50 deg.

I do not like ice, unless it is mixed with lime and tequilla. I do not like the cold.

In retaliation, and with a thumbing my nose sorta mindset, I shall now open my WIP and plonk my characters down in the middle of a heatwave.

Take that, Mother Nature.

Your Summer Love Type is Go With the Flow

A great summer love may be in the cards for you ... or not.
You'll have a fantastic time this summer, taking what comes.
What you want is flexible - what you'll get is up in the air.
No matter what, you'll have fun - and maybe a few flings!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A question of love....

You Are A Realistic Romantic

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!

I decided to take this quiz. The logical part of my brain knows the results are completely random, but the appeal is hard to resist.

Strangely enough, the fluke is that this particular quiz does fit my personality. For no other reason than the rarity of one of these quizzes actually coming close, I copied and pasted it here.

My curiosity is satisfied. Really.

Well, maybe just one more quiz. I mean, how can I sleep without knowing what my favorite pie flavor says about me?

And no, I am not procrastinating and hiding from my Muse. Really.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Ooooo... A man!

And not just ANY man... Jude Law.

Now, for all of you Jude Law fans who might be saying, "WTF?" THIS is the image of Jude she picks??"

Yes. I say again, YES. He melted my heart in The Holiday.

Have I mentioned that I'm not a melter?

Need more? Fine. Jude Law


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back in the game...

...slowly but surely. Due to a personal tragedy in my life, the writing has had to, naturally, take a backseat to things.

Life is returning more to normal, as normal as things will ever be at this point. Better, to be sure. And for that, my family and I am grateful.

As the worms turns, it is now turning in the direction of me pursuing my writing career again.

So, I'm sitting here, with the pages and files that constitute my works in progress, shifting through to pick up the story threads again.

I hear a sibilant whisper....

My Muse.

She has returned.

All hail the Muse. Let us annoint her with scented oils and fete her with chocolate!

I'm ready to begin....

Sunday, January 7, 2007


So, this year my New Year Resolution is to do better.

That's it.

See, I figure that rather than making big plans for the diet, organization, exercise, blah, blah, blah, I'll just resolve to do better in everything that I attempt and then I can't go wrong.

No extremes. No self-promises that are already tinged with failure even as the utterances meet air.

Nope. Just do better.

And its sorta a one resolution fits all.

So, in that spirit I challenge you: Go. Do better.

How can you go wrong?

I write, therefore I post....

...and away we go!

Here it is. My inaugural post. Think it will be a blazing commentary on the writing world? Some deep insight into my writing experience?


My first post is simply a welcome to you.


So. Sit. Let's be friends. I'll tell you about my days, my writing experiences, good and bad -- and we'll discuss chocolate. And men.