Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is it right brained? Or write brained?

I'm too confoozled to know anymore. I'm at that turning point in the wip where I need to throw a really big "bear" into my characters proverbial "canoe". I need to introduce a new turning point.

I just don't happen to know what this would be right now. Sure wish my brain hadn't decided to take a walk at just this point.

Never fails though. This wip has just been trotting along, the characters have marched to the correct tune and everything has been rosy. I knew the time was looming.

Desperate times call for desperate measures....

So, what shall it be? What shall I distract my brain with until the Muse gets her scattered brain back into the game? Games and games of Bedazzled 2? Chatting and IMing endlessly with my writing pals? Wait. I do that anyway. *shrug*

I know. I'll google attractive men. I don't know that it will help, but it certainly won't hurt.

Unless I bump my nose while licking the computer screen. Would that qualify as workman's comp?


Laura Hamby said...

Hmmm. Nice choice. Pardon the drool on the keyboard. And the lip prints on the monitor.

Sherry Jones said...

Hey, Missy! Keep those lips to yourself! Mineminemineminemine. Heh.

Anonymous said...

thanks for submitting this to the Romance Writers Carnival. Cool idea. Nothing like a little eye candy to inspire a person.