Monday, July 23, 2007

A fine need for chocolate....

I mean, when isn't there a fine need for chocolate? But for several reasons, I feeling that need more keenly.

I'm stumped on my wip. Stumped I tell ya. I had to write a mini synopsis to see where I am with the conflict and growth arc in the story. Hmmmmm.... still not clear to me.

I sent the syn to my CP and writing friend, Laura Hamby. She's going to rip and tear it up for me and hopefully, tell me if I've gone wrong and where I need to fix things.

Isn't it odd that we can read each other's work and almost immediately spot the problem, but can't have that same eye for our own? Just doesn't seem to work that way. Sadly.

The other reason I have a fine need for chocolate is that I'm on a new eating plan. Under a doctor's care. I've search all the notes, requirements, recommendations, etc. provided on his eating plan and nowhere in all of that do I see chocolate mentioned. Nowhere.

How can that be? This man is a highly respected physician and there isn't any medicinal chocolate in the plan?

I hesitate to cast aspersions on his character or abilities but it might be possible that a certain web-footed creature's signature vocalization might describe this man more completely

No chocolate, indeed.


There. I've said it.

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