Thursday, July 26, 2007

Back to the drawing board....

Yep. You'll note that the Redo word meter is now zeroed out.

*grabs throat in dramatic stage fashion* I scrapped the entire wip with the exception of the H/h and the location and only one or two pertinent conflict issues.

Why would I do that??

It just wasn't working. Not at all.

I think the reason why had to do with the initial concept. It wasn't mine. Well, the wip was in absolute, but the starting kernel for the wip was inspired by a writing prompt.

The problem, as I see it, happened to be that the writing prompt took more of a high road to comedy, rather my usual writing comfort zone. That meant that my characters seemed to be acting out of line. Couldn't get a handle on the H's motivation because he would have NEVER allowed himself to be in such an absurd situation to begin with.

Sometimes, I think our characters can see the big picture better than we writers. Sometimes, I also I feel that the H/h only invite me along for the ride to take dictation.

Kind of them, eh?

Ah, well. At least they let me have that. And chocolate. Massive quantities of chocolate.

They love me! They really, really love me!

*whispers* I think they might also be a teensy bit sadistic, but let's keep that on the down-low and not encourage that sorta behavior.

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