Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday. Again....

So here we are at the start of a new week. Time to gather up the brain cells and get life's little chores out of the way to get to the good stuff.

I know that I should get moving. And I will. Aaaany minute. Yep, I'm going to start making those phone calls, paying those bills, starting the laundry.....

Who am I kidding? I just Don Wanna today.

Instead, I'll mentally sort through those MUST DO's and manage to hit the high spots and I'll recoup and recharge my batteries and get a better start on the week tomorrow.

Or not. Heh.

How do YOU get moving when you just Don Wanna?

Oh, and in a little bit of a horn toot, please notice that the word count meter on Redo has increased. I'm officially 25% through the first draft. Go me!

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